Wednesday 11 February 2015

When Do Puppies Need Rabies Shots

When Do Puppies Need Rabies Shots?

Puppies should start getting their vaccinations at six weeks--but they won't get their first rabies shot until several weeks after that.


Puppies get their first booster shots at 15 weeks. That is when they will get their first rabies vaccination, which lasts for one year.

Expert Insight

Dr. Joyce R. Gifford, DVM, a Rhode Island veterinarian, notes: "We recommend giving the first series of vaccines for canine distemper, parvo, etc. at eight,12 and 16 weeks of age. For certain breeds such as pit bulls, rotties (and) dobermans, we will carry the vaccines out to 18 weeks because they seem to have a delayed immune response."


After your pet gets its second rabies vaccination, it will need to repeat it only once every three years.


While it isn't common, some dogs do have allergic reactions to vaccinations. A chewable children's Benadryl often helps with any allergic reactions that your puppy might experience.


Even though you only have to get your dog vaccinated once every three years after the second rabies shot, it is important to take your dog to the vet at least once a year for a checkup.

Tags: their first, allergic reactions, every three, every three years, first rabies, Need Rabies