Wednesday 29 July 2015

Feed A Canadian Lynx

Lynx can make for very interesting pets.

The Canadian lynx, a wild cat that can grow to around 40 to 60 lbs., lives in the wild on a diet primarily consisting of snowshoe rabbits. Keeping a Canadian lynx is permitted in many areas and can require a special permit. Feeding a lynx at home will require a lot of meat, fish, poultry and supplemented with standard cat kibble.


1. Keep your pet lynx in an outdoor enclosure at night and feed in the mornings and evening. Adult lynx can require between 1 and 4 lbs. of raw meat a day.

2. Cut up pieces of beef scraps, including bones and place in its enclosure.

3. Mixing raw turkey, chicken or other poultry with cat kibble is a good way to round off its diet, ensuring a wide spectrum of vitamins in the diet.

4. Raise and harvest rabbits in a separate enclosure if you wish to give your lynx a more natural diet. Raising rabbits for the purposes of food should be done out of sight of the lynx to avoid the destruction of their enclosure.

5. Contact a local veterinarian to better advise you on the specific needs of your lynx, as well as to monitor its health as it's generally not accustomed to domestication.

Tags: your lynx, Canadian lynx