Monday, 20 April 2015

Doggie Dooley Instructions

Doggie Dooley's are pet waste systems that are installed into the ground. They use a special enzyme powder to help speed up the breakdown of dog waste. Although they require a little muscle to install, they are relatively easy to maintain once they are.

Dig the Hole

You can check your area if it has heavy clay content by digging a hole and testing it for proper drainage. Round pail systems (2000 and 3000) generally involve digging a hole about 14 inches around, 48 inches deep. Pyramid shaped systems (3500 and 3800) typically involve digging a hole 20-by-20 inches and either 14 or 23 inches deep (depending on the model). Pyramid shaped systems must be buried in the hole by gradually adding dirt around the system while making sure the top stays level. Round systems simply need to be set in place.

Test the Hole

Doggie Dooleys will not work if they cannot drain properly. This may be an issue if you have a heavy clay soil. There is a simple test you can perform to see if your soil drains properly. Add 5 gallons of water after digging the hole and if the water drains completely in 48 hours, the Doggie Dooley waste disposal system should work properly.

Start Up

Start your Doggie Dooley by adding two to three days of dog stools to the unit. Then, mix 2 tbsp. of digester powder to 5 gallons of water. If your water has a high level of chlorine, allow it to sit out overnight or place it in the sun for 2 hours before using. Pour the solution into the Doggie Dooley.

Daily and Weekly Maintenance

Doggie Dooley will need to have additional water and digester powder added 1 to 3 times per week, depending on the model. Pyramid models (3500, 3535 and 3800) should have 5 gallons of water added 2 to 3 times per week and 1 tbsp. of digester powder per dog added daily. Round models (2000 and 3000) need 1 quart of water added daily with 1 tbsp. per dog of digester powder added each week. Wait 24 hours before adding additional waste on top of the digester powder. (Note that pyramid pails require digester added daily and water added less often while round models need water added daily and powder added weekly.)

Restart the Doggie Dooley

If you have stopped using your Doggie Dooley while on an extended vacation (2 weeks or more) or during the winter months (digester powder does not work when the temperature is below 40 degrees F), you will need to repeat the Start Up instructions listed above before using your Doggie Dooley again. Do not continue to add dog waste to the Doggy Dooley when the temperature is too cold to use the digester powder.

Tags: Doggie Dooley, digester powder, added daily, digging hole, powder added, water added