Speech-recognition software types as you speak.
Speech recognition software such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking types as you speak to it. Although your results are unlikely to be perfect, and will require some editing, Dragon NaturallySpeaking can save a lot of time for those who are slow at typing or who may not be able to use a computer keyboard efficiently due to a physical disability. In addition to transcribing the words you speak into your computer microphone, Dragon can also transcribe pre-recorded documents from an external recorder or an audio file on your computer's hard drive. (Reference 1).
1. Start Dragon. When the program has loaded, a horizontal taskbar will display across the top of your computer monitor. This is the "DragonBar." From the DragonBar, click "Profile." A drop-down menu will appear.
2. Click "Add Audio Source to Current User Profile" from the drop-down menu. A "New Dictation Source" box will open.
3. Select the new dictation source you will use. Options include "USB microphone," "Bluetooth microphone," or "Digital recorder using sound files on disk."
4. Check "Open dictation source now" followed by "OK." A window will open with set-up instructions for your newly-added dictation source. Each dictation source has a slightly-varied training method.
Tags: dictation source, your computer, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, drop-down menu, types speak, will open