Thursday 12 March 2015

What Is The Purpose Of Solarpowered Bus Shelters

Some bus stop shelters are powered by solar panels.

Solar-powered bus stop shelters use solar energy to power lighting and electric signs. Solar power is collected during the day and stored in batteries.


Solar-powered bus shelters have solar panels mounted on them or, in the case of later versions, built into their construction. The panels use special silicon compounds to convert sunlight into electricity. Some shelters have light sensors so that the lights only turn on after dark or motion sensors so that lights are only on when people are using the shelter.


Modern solar panels work even in the wettest conditions.

When solar-powered bus shelters are introduced in regions that see a lot of cloud and rain, people are often doubtful as to whether they will work properly. Modern solar cells don't need direct sunlight, however. They can produce enough power to adequately light a bus shelter, even in areas where direct sunshine is less readily available.


Solar-powered lighting is a good solution for bus stop shelters that are in remote locations where it's hard to connect them to the electricity supply grid. They also save energy. Many shelter manufacturers offer a solar option.

Tags: solar panels, stop shelters, lights only, Modern solar, sensors that