Monday, 9 November 2015

About Organizations To Help The Homelessness

About Organizations to Help the Homelessness

Want to join the fight against homelessness? No matter what your political views, religious affiliation or area of expertise may be, there is an organization for you to work with.


There are many types of organizations that help homeless people. There are non-profit homeless advocacy coalitions, emergency and transitional shelters, church groups, meal sites, government agencies, student-run organizations, housing advocacy coalitions and medical and outreach groups. Some organizations offer direct action---such as a meal or a bed to sleep on---while others work behind the scenes to change legislation and social attitudes. Some organizations are more mainstream, while others are notorious for fighting with city officials. Feeding Pets of the Homeless is an organization that helps homeless people's animals. The National Health Care for the Homeless Council advocates for the health of homeless citizens. These are just two examples of a wide range of organizations helping homeless people and fighting homelessness.


Advocacy coalitions work to change society's views of homelessness by hosting speakers at schools and setting up teach-ins. Some advocacy coalitions compile reports of attacks against homeless people and will work directly with homeless people to see that their needs are met. These coalitions may offer street newspapers, community voice mail and a place for people to use the computer. Shelters are commonly run by a religious organization and offer meals, programs, beds, showers and access to resources. Government agencies offer assistance like food stamps and cash benefits. Student organizations may bring in volunteers to pass out blankets and do general outreach.


The benefits of homeless organizations are obvious---they indirectly or directly better a homeless person's situation. Many organizations rely on volunteers for help. In turn, these volunteers get to see homelessness up close and may be able to chat with a homeless person. The likelihood of a volunteer being prejudiced to a homeless person is rare. As more people become involved in the fight against homelessness, fewer people will blame homeless people for their situation and work to tackle the root of the problem.


Each organization makes its own impact in the community. The National Coalition for the Homeless is an advocacy coalition that publishes reports of homeless people. Every year the coalition lists the best and worst cities for homeless people and publishes its report on hate crimes. Because of their extensive research, the National Coalition is sought by media as the voice of homeless people.


The ultimate goal of homeless organizations is to run out of business. That would be the day when homelessness would be solved and wouldn't exist. Until then, some organizations---like shelters and outreach teams---act as band-aids to the situation. Advocacy coalitions work at the root of the problem and urge city officials to draw up plans to end homelessness. All are important in the fight against homelessness.

Tags: homeless people, against homelessness, fight against, fight against homelessness, homeless person