Friday, 6 November 2015

Get A Dog Vaccinated In New York City

A dog is a man's best friend, which means yours needs to be properly taken care of. It is not only important to have your dog vaccinated every year, it's also the law in many places. In New York City, the laws about dog vaccination are relatively easy to understand. With a little research, you'll know exactly what to get your dog vaccinated for, and where to do it.


1. Learn the laws of dog vaccination in New York City. New York State requires all dogs and cats over the age of 3 months to be vaccinated against rabies. It is the only vaccination that is required by law, and it must be updated with boosters every 3 years. No other vaccinations are required by law, but as you will soon read, many are recommended, and some more than others.

2. Educate yourself about other vaccinations that are recommended for your dog. The first shot that is recommended is the five-in-one DHPP. It is a cocktail shot that immunizes against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and parainfluenza. Bordatella is another shot that is highly recommended, especially if you board your dog. The coronavirus shot is also a good one to have, but is less important. Plan to space out your dog's shots over the course of two trips, leaving 2 weeks between visits to give his immune system a chance to process the vaccinations. On the first trip, you will have the five-in-one shot given. On the second trip, 2 weeks later, you will have the bordatella, rabies (if needed) and coronavirus shots administered.

3. Know where to go to get your dog immunized. If you have a veterinarian, you most likely receive mailings announcing when your dog is ready for another round of shots. If not, there are businesses that visit area pet stores and perform vaccinations either monthly or bimonthly. If you go to a New York City pet store, there will most likely be information near the front of the store about these services. Not only are they convenient, visiting stores all over the city, but they are also considerably less expensive than almost all veterinarians. There are so many locations across the city that offer vaccination services that it would be impossible to list them all here. Refer to the link in Resources, and you will find one of the most popular providers in the five-borough area. Their website has constantly updated notices of where they will be in the upcoming weeks and months.

Tags: York City, shot that, most likely, other vaccinations, that recommended, will have, your vaccinated