Friday, 27 November 2015

Potty Train Shihtzu Dogs

A shih-tzu is one of the most challenging breeds to house-train, and although there are theories, there is no definitive answer as to why. Control of digestive functions in these slow-to-mature puppies may not happen until 6 months of age, while they've already determined the preference to where they'll potty by 8-1/2 weeks.

Because of their size, the breeder may not have let them outside before this age.


Tricks to Outside Potty Training

1. Keep the shih-tzu confined to a space within sight so that it has no chance to run to the corner to potty. When this is not possible, crate it.

2. Watch for signs. Before it runs to that corner to potty, it may circle, act restless or even just look at you.

3. Teach the shih-tzu the potty command by saying "potty" when you take it outside. Wait until it potties and generously praise him with the words "good potty."

4. Reward the shih-tzu with a treat.

5. Check the length of the grass in the area you want your tiny dog to use as prickly grass and small rocks may cause discomfort. In the winter, you may have to shovel an area.

Indoor Training

6. Place a bit of the dog's waste in a filled litter box or on a house-training pad.

7. Watch the dog for signs.

8. Bring the shih-tzu to its indoor toilet.

9. Give the permission to potty command.

Tags: corner potty, potty command, Watch signs