Flowering aeonium spathulatum
Aeonium is an ornamental succulent plant that is a member of the Crassulaceae family. There are approximately 35 species in this family. Primarily grown for its attractive rosette-type leaves, aeonium is native to the Canary Islands, parts of North Africa and islands near the Mediterranean. Leaves range in color from green to purple. Mature plants produce flowers in various colors, depending on the species. It is relatively easy to grow and care for aeonium indoors. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Buy aeonium from a nursery or online. The plants are available in different sizes and you can choose from a variety of species.
2. Remove the plant from its original container. Choose an unglazed clay pot in a size that is suitable for the plant. Aeonium rosette diameter sizes range from 2 to 6 inches.
3. Place porous and well-draining potting mix into the pot. Use a commercial cactus mix or make your own by combining potting mix with coarse sand, perlite and pumice.
4. Water the plant sparingly during the winter and during its dormant period. During these times, aeoniums require very little water and should just be kept moist. From March through early June, the plants start to grow and require more frequent watering (about once a week). In the hottest part of the summer, aeoniums may require more water, but from September onward reduce the watering frequency.
5. Situate the aeonium in a bright, sunny location in the home. You can move the plant outdoors onto a patio or terrace from May until autumn, as long as the nighttime temperature doesn't drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant does well at temperatures between 50 and 75 degrees.
6. Feed the plant with a water-soluble fertilizer once a month from May through August.
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