Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Get A Chomby On Neopets

Get a Chomby on Neopets

Chombies are the oldest limited-edition Neopet species in the online, interactive world of Neopia. These plant-eating dinosaurs from Tyrannia are happiest when munching on strawberries. You can still get your limited-edition Chomby on Neopets.


1. Adopt a Chomby from the Neopian Pound. Because Chombies are limited-edition Neopets, your account must be at least 4 months old before you will be able to adopt one. To adopt a Chomby from the Neopian Pound, go to the pound and search for Chombies. Select one that you would like and then click "Adopt." Once you have paid the adoption fee, the Chomby will appear in your Neopets inventory.

2. Use a morphing potion to turn one of your current Neopets into a Chomby. Chomby morphing potions are available in a wide variety of colors, and can be purchased from the trading post, or found by using the Shop Wizard search engine. Once your Neopet drinks the Chomby morphing potion, it will become a Chomby permanently.

3. Play games like Chomby and the Fungus Balls for a chance to win a magical Chomby plushie. Chomby plushies are a great way to turn Neopets of other species into Chombies. Once your Neopet plays with the plushie, it will transform from its current species to a Chomby permanently. Chombie plushies can be won by playing games, found during random events, or purchased from the trading post or Shop Wizard.

4. Wait until Chomby Day, March 22. Each pet species in Neopets is given their own day of celebration. On Chomby Day, more Chombies are available for creation. To be sure you get one of the Chombies released on Chomby Day, check the "Create a Pet" page of the Neopets website at midnight on March 22, and each hour after until you are able to get one.

5. Try zapping your Neopet with the Secret Lab Ray to transform it into a Chomby. The Secret Lab Ray can be obtained by collecting all nine pieces of the map from each of the labs in Neopia. Once you have the Secret Lab Ray, you can use it once a day to try to change the species, gender or stats of your pet.

Tags: Chomby Neopets, your Neopet, Chomby from, Chomby from Neopian, Chomby morphing, Chomby permanently, from Neopian