Wednesday 8 April 2015

Routine Health Insurance For Pets

Pet health insurance can help offset the price of medical care for dogs and cats. Plans are available for major medical coverage only or for routine and major medical care. Most plans cost $10 to $70 per month and have a deductible, which varies with plan type. The cost and type of plan you choose also depends on the type of pet you have, how healthy it is and where you live. Most routine pet health insurance plans, or wellness plans, cover a few basic things and are purchased in addition to another plan.

Basic Pet Health Insurance

In order to buy a wellness plan, a pet owner must first purchase a basic pet health insurance plan. Veterinarian visits, in the case of an emergency or illness, are covered by basic insurance plans. Hospitalizations, x-rays and surgery related to illness or an accident are also covered. But routine health care, such as annual checkups and standard vaccinations are not included in a basic plan and are part of a wellness visit add-on plan.

Annual Checkup

Most pets visit a veterinarian once a year for a routine visit, although some wellness plans will cover two annual visits. This checkup includes a physical examination and standard vaccinations. With a wellness pet health insurance plan, the cost of the vet visit must be paid in advance and the money can be reimbursed from the pet health insurer.

Vaccinations and Deworming

A wellness plan can also help pay for standard vaccinations, such as rabies and distemper. The plan may also cover deworming, especially in cats, when it is performed annually. Vaccinations or medication for illness is not covered under a wellness plan.

Special Services

A wellness plan may also cover spaying or neutering a pet and teeth cleaning. These special services are usually included only in the top tier pet health insurance plans. Routine medications, such as flea and tick and heartworm preventatives, may be eligible for reimbursement under a routine pet health insurance plan.

Costs and Benefits

A pet health insurance wellness plan is usually bought in addition to medical coverage. It can be expensive for owners of healthy pets and is not recommended for most pet owners by pet health insurance provider Trupanion. The company says wellness plans do not save pet owners money; a wellness plan is more like a savings account for routine vet visits.

Tags: health insurance, wellness plan, health insurance plan, insurance plan, insurance plans, plan also, routine health