Monday 27 April 2015

Volunteer To Rescue Pets

Volunteer to save an abandoned animal's life and enrich your own.

There is a tremendous need for volunteers in animal rescue. There are thousands of unwanted pets that are put to sleep every month, not because they are sick or old, but because there is no room for them in the shelter. You can save an animal's life by helping out at a local shelter or volunteering with a no-kill organization. Volunteers typically exercise animals, help set up and show animals at adoption events and even offer temporary housing while pets are waiting to find new homes.


1. Find a local shelter or organization. The PetFinder website listed in the Resources section is a good place to look. You can also ask your local pet store if they know of any shelters in the area.

2. Stop by or call them and ask about their volunteer needs. If, for some reason, they don't need volunteers, they can probably direct you to an organization that does.

3. Tell them what you can do for them. There are many ways to help, but not all may be suitable to your time and lifestyle restrictions. Most shelters can always use foster homes for animals, especially during kitten season. You can help exercise the dogs, clean kennels or staff adoption events. Make a list of ways you can help and provide them to the organization representative.

Tags: adoption events, animal life, local shelter, need volunteers, ways help