FooPets" is a pet adoption site where you can adopt a virtual dog or cat with a paid membership. FooMojo, Inc. has designed the pets to act as realistically as real-world dogs and cats as possible. This means you must feed, water and play with your pet for it to interact with you and remain healthy. In addition, your pet can experience the same issues a real pet experiences such as getting dirty or having fleas. As a result, you're required to treat your virtual pet the same way you would treat a real pet and groom it when necessary.
1. Click the "Groom" button on your FooPets Active Pet screen.
2. Wait for the bathroom screen to load, your pet to jump up on to the grooming table and the FooGroomer area to pop open.
3. Scroll through the shampoo product options using the left and right arrows. Select the product you like and click the "Buy Item" button. Click "Buy" on the confirmation screen and then "Use this Shampoo" to use the product.
4. Read the on-screen instructions for the shampoo and then click "Start Shampooing" to return to the bathroom screen to use the product on your dog or cat.
5. Shampoo your pet as instructed and wait for the FooGroomer screen to appear with additional instructions to rinse your pet. Read the instructions and click the "Start Rinsing" button. Repeat the same process to dry and brush your pet.
6. Wait for the "Grooming Complete!" screen to appear. Select the "Exit FooGroomer" button or the "Add Fragrance" button if you want to spray a fragrance on your pet. Scroll through the fragrance options, select a fragrance, click the "Use this Fragrance" button, click on your pet to spray the fragrance and then click the "Exit FooGroomer" button.
Tags: bathroom screen, click Start, Exit FooGroomer, Exit FooGroomer button, FooGroomer button, Fragrance button