Friday 28 November 2014

Help A Pet Bird Live A Full Lifespan

With attention and care, a pet bird can live a long healthy life.

A pet bird brings joy and activity to a household. But like other pets, a bird is completely dependent on its owners to take care of its many needs. If you are thinking about buying or adopting a pet bird, follow a few steps to understand how you can help the bird live a full and healthy life.


1. Buy your bird as large a cage as possible, especially if she will be spending most or all of her time in the cage. The cage should be large enough for the bird to completely extend her wings and make short flights or hops. If the bird will remain exclusively in the cage, the cage should be at least three times as wide as the bird's wingspan. Ensure that the spacing between the bars of the cage is small enough to prevent the bird's head from passing through.

2. Place the cage in a well-lit, draft-free area, preferably in a corner or against a wall. This protection helps the bird feel more secure. The cage should be kept out of direct sunlight and away from airborne fumes or toxins, which can be found in kitchens, garages and bathrooms. Place the cage at or below eye level to encourage socialization.

3. Feed your bird a healthy diet that includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Many pre-made mixes are available at pet stores that offer specialized nutrition for various breeds.

4. Purchase appropriate supplies such as water bowls, perches and toys. Research the needs of your bird and ensure that the supplies you buy suit the breed.

5. Give your bird plenty of opportunity to exercise, such as short flights and climbing .Playpens with food and water dishes allow birds longer periods of exercise. You can also put climbing structures and toysin the playpens.

Tags: your bird, cage should, bird completely, bird live, cage cage