Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Akc Registration Requirements

The AKC has strict requirements for registering dogs.

Some people who own purebred dogs like to register them with the American Kennel Club (AKC). A registration certificate identifies the animal as the offspring of a known sire and dam, and its birth date. The certificate does not indicate the quality or health of the dog. Registering with the AKC is helpful if you want to breed your dogs and sell puppies, as well as way to certify the breed and lineage. Like most clubs, the AKC has requirements that you must meet before registering your dog or litter.

Registering a Dog

In order for you to register a purebred dog with the AKC, the litter from where you bought the dog must be registered first. You can either get an application to register your dog with the breeder or complete the form online. The AKC requires you supply the following information: the dog's sex, its color and markings, your name and address and information about the breeder. You must also give the dog's name. The entire process takes about three weeks before you receive your certificate from the AKC. Fees for registration vary depending on whether you want to include a pedigree.

Registering a Litter

If you are a breeder or the owner of a new litter, you may choose to register the entire litter with the AKC. Both the mother and father of the litter must be AKC-registered in order for the litter to be eligible. Also, the puppies must have been born and raised in the United States or one of its possessions. The AKC will require information such as the date of birth of the litter, the number of males and females as well as information on the mother and father. There is no need to supply the names of the puppies.


In order to maintain your registration, the AKC requires you keep accurate and up-to-date records of your dogs and litters. If there is doubt to the lineage or identity of your dog, the AKC will not register him. You must also keep track of the times and dates the dog is mated, as well as the owner of the other dog involved in the coupling. Each puppy must also be followed, with sale, gifting of or death noted for the AKC's records.

Tags: must also, mother father, your dogs