Monday 12 January 2015

Middle School Community Projects

The middle school years are great for involving kids in community service activities.

Kids in middle school grades are bursting with energy and compassion. This is an opportune time to get them involved in community service. Performing community service builds character, job skills, confidence and pride in their work. There are many opportunities for youth to become involved throughout the community from religious organizations to civic and community groups. For safety reasons they should work in a group under the supervision of a trusted adult.

Go Green

Kids can develop a green thumb by planting a community garden or flower bed.

Students can plant flowers or tend an existing flower bed for charitable organizations such as a homeless shelter, the humane society or a woman's center. Another option is to start a community garden and invite residents to participate. Spending time together in the sunshine is a great way to bond with friends while contributing to something that will last long after their hard work is done.

Sing and Dance

Kids can bring holiday cheer at a nursing home or children's hospital.

Plan a holiday program to present to residents in a nursing home or children's hospital. The program should be short so that residents don't get too tired, but lively and entertaining. Many people miss out on holiday festivities due to illness or isolation. Serving the community in this way helps kids reach out to people who might otherwise be forgotten. When kids perform a dance routine, song or skit in front of different audiences, they also learn to overcome stage fright.

Crafty Gifts

Make crafts to give to nursing home residents.

Gather art supplies and plan an afternoon of messy fun with the middle school students. Create simple favors or table decorations for a residential facility. Due to the variety of dietary restrictions, do not give anything edible, but decorated pom-pom faces, May baskets, painted rocks and beaded boxes are creative and thoughtful gifts. Present them as a group to nursing home residents.

Raise Money

Raising money for a local cause is a great way to serve in the community.

Raise money and awareness by holding a bake sale, car wash or other fund raiser to benefit a need in the community. Whether raising money for medical research or to help send an underprivileged child to camp, it is a great way to contribute to the community. Side benefits include the fun they will have working together and the economic lessons they will learn as they figure costs and profits.

Tags: nursing home, community service, middle school, children hospital, community garden, home children, home children hospital