Wednesday 27 May 2015

Make A Gas Fireplace Smell Like A Real Fireplace

A gas fireplace can simulate the smell of burning wood.

A gas fireplace has none of the cleaning problems that besets a wood-burning fireplace, for example, having to clean out a chimney. The smell of wood, however, is part of the appeal of a fireplace and is not something inherent in the gas fireplace. You can make the odors emanating from the fireplace smell like wood so as to create the effect that the fireplace is burning wood. Supplies from a hardware store and a home and garden shop will be needed. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place a vial of cedar wood oil on the edge of the fireplace, at one end away from the gas burning log. Open the vial's cap. Leave the vial alone so that the odor can waft across the fireplace and over to those seated by it. The odor will fool the noses of the folks there into thinking that there is a wood-burning log in the fireplace.

2. Soak a handful of wood chips in a glass bowl filled with water overnight. Shake the excess moisture off the chips. Poke five to six holes in the top of an empty cookie tin lid, using a Phillips screwdriver. Place the wood chips in the cookie tin and close the lid. Run a strip of duct tape around the seam between the lid and the tin. Place the tin next to the gas logs, outside on the brick counter, so that the heat will produce a smell from the chips that will waft to those seated by the fireplace.

3. Replace the log in the fireplace with the ceramic log that has compartments for granules built into it. Open the lid of the compartment on the side of the log. Insert a tablespoon of the wood scent granules into the compartment and close the lid. The granules will be activated by the gas fire and produce a wood-burning smell, as well as the crackling sounds that are expected.

Tags: burning wood, those seated, wood chips, wood-burning fireplace