Tuesday 5 May 2015

Tips For Bonding With A Puppy


Bringing a new puppy into the home is exciting, and a close bond can quickly form with the new pet. However, to make sure the feelings are mutual, these are a few keys techniques to use during your first few weeks with a new puppy. These ideas will make him feel closer with you, as you continue to fall in love with him.

Introduce the Pup

Help the puppy bond with everyone in the household within the first few days. Avoid startling the puppy or confusing him by adding new people over a long period. Each member of the immediate household should hold, talk to and help care for the puppy. This establishes a trusting bond between the puppy and the family members, reducing the chances that the puppy may show aggression toward shy family members.

Get Physical

Play with the puppy in a hands-on manner. Rub his tummy, play with his paws and rub his ears. Let her know that gentle touches are good. This also makes your first visit to the veterinarian easier. Since the vet does a full body exam and needs to touch various parts of the puppy, she will already feel comfortable with these gestures. The one-on-one time with the puppy also helps him trust you and creates a stronger bond.


Using discipline regularly when the puppy is young teaches him to respect humans. When the puppy learns good behaviors, a closer bond forms between the human and the pet. Use a stern voice when correcting negative behavior, and a gentle, welcoming tone when praising the puppy. Never yell or hit the puppy.

Teach the puppy a routine. Feed, walk, and let him out to eliminate at roughly the same times each day, and he quickly learns the routine. She looks forward to these times shared with people, so try not to vary from this routine, or the puppy may become confused. These positive behaviors strengthen the pet and owner bond.

Tags: family members, with puppy, your first