Catholic Charities can help parents find children to adopt.
Catholic Charities is a network of over 1,700 agencies throughout the country which provide a variety of services, including adoption. Catholic Charities USA states that its agencies view adoption as a "life-giving, loving option for the future of your unborn baby."
Each Catholic diocese has requirements for adoptive parents based on length of marriage, age, religion, whether single applicants are eligible, income, health, previous alcohol or drug abuse, mental health history, and background clearances. State laws impact these requirements.
Contact your local agency to find out what types of adoptions are offered: confidential, semi-open or open.
All agencies require a home study to assess the prospective parents. This will include a check on criminal background, finances, personal references, as well as interviews and adoption education.
Waiting Periods
Waiting periods vary by state, along with the type of adoption and what agency is involved.
Prospective parents may have to pay for a home study, education and counseling of expectant parents, placement services, expectant parent services, post-placement supervision and finalization of reports, and legal fees.
Tags: Catholic Charities, home study