Thursday, 9 October 2014

When Are Kittens Ready To Be Given Away

Some people give kittens away as early as 6 weeks, but this is much too early (and it is illegal in some places). Kittens have developmental needs that the mother cat and the littermates meet far better than a human can. At 6 weeks, the kitten is rapidly developing and needs extra time before he is placed in a new home.

In addition to chronological age, pet owners should take into account the kitten's health and development before giving him away. Like human babies, some kittens develop more slowly than others do.


You can usually give kittens away when they are 8 weeks old and they are box-trained and fully weaned. In many cases, however, it is better to wait until the kittens are 9 or 10 weeks old. Most cat (pedigreed) breeders wait longer than 8 weeks---some wait until kittens are 12 weeks. Waiting gives the kittens a chance to mature a bit more, to develop good social skills by playing with their littermates, and to nurse longer, which may benefit them emotionally.

The smallest kittens in litters (the runts) take a while longer to develop and should be the last you give away, if possible.

Time Frame

Kittens go through several developmental stages before they are ready for you to give them away.

First, of course, is the nursing stage, when they are very fragile and dependent on the mother cat. Next is the weaning stage, which usually begins at 4 weeks. During this time, you should gradually introduce the kitten to dry and canned kitten foods. You should moisten dry foods until the kitten can chew well.

By 8 weeks, a kitten should be eating dry kitten food easily, using a litter box without many accidents outside the box, and playing normally. Kittens at 8 weeks are usually very active. Sedate kittens may be ill, and you should have these kittens checked out by a vet before you give them away.


8-week-old kittens should weigh about two pounds before you adopt them out. Pedigreed cats will weigh a bit more or less, depending on the breed. Length and general musculature of kittens this age will vary.


Kittens taken from their mother too early usually have lifelong social problems, which can also contribute to general health problems. Avoid giving kittens away before they are 8 weeks old.


It is illegal in many areas to give kittens away, or sell them, before they are 8 weeks old.

Cat pregnancies will typically last 60 to 70 days. Some cats give birth prematurely, but this is not common. Premature kittens or kittens with low birth-weight (under 3 ounces) may need more than 8 weeks to develop and mature enough to leave the mother.

Unless the mother is flea-free, worm free, and has been indoors all her life, you should de-worm kittens under the direction of a veterinarian before giving the kittens away. Kittens commonly get roundworms from the mother cat's milk and tapeworms from fleas.

Tags: kittens away, before they, give kittens, give kittens away, they weeks