Ever wanted to look up someone you know in Illinois prison to find out what they are really in prison for? Think their story of landing in prison was a little far fetched? If the inmate is currently incarcerated, then his criminal record is public information for anyone to look at. It doesn't only show current offenses, but also shows his entire history of offenses. Access the Illinois Department of Corrections Inmate Search tool to quickly find criminal records.
1. Go to http://www.idoc.state.il.us/.
2. Click "Inmate Search" in the list of Agency Links on the left side of the screen.
3. Choose how you want to search -- using last name, birth date or inmate number.
4. View search results. It lists inmate number, birth date and last name of every inmate currently incarcerated for the results of your search.
5. Click a listing in the results and then click "Query a Highlighted Inmate" to view a mug shot, all the vitals -- height, weight, race, hair and eye color, etc.) -- a listing of tattoos and history of felonies. It gives a charge name like "burglary" without giving specifics of the crime, as well as how many counts of this crime, and all the dates of past crimes. It also tells how long they are sentenced for.
Tags: birth date, currently incarcerated, Department Corrections, Illinois Department, Illinois Department Corrections