Friday 5 June 2015

"Sims 2 Pets" Secrets


The Sims 2: Pets" is an expansion pack that allows your Sims to adopt pets. Dogs and cats show up as family members with wants and needs, and the ability to hold jobs. The expansion pack also introduces a supernatural element, the werewolf. Cheat codes shortcut some of the features in the game. The three keys "Shift," Ctrl" and "C," when pressed together, activate a prompt that accepts cheat codes for "The Sims 2: Pets."

Make a Werewolf Sim

Sims who befriend a special wolflike dog with glowing eyes that wanders into their yard at night have the chance to become a werewolf. The dog will transform the Sim only if they have a strong friendship, which normally takes a long time. Waiting for the dog to appear can also be time-consuming, but with the "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" cheat activated, hold down the "Shift" key, click the mailbox on the home lot and summon the wolf with the commands "Make NPC" and "Leader of the Pack." To increase the friendship more quickly, view the "Relationship" panel on the console and drag the friendship meter below the wolf's icon all the way to right until it reads 100. Then hold down the "Shift" key and click the wolf. Choose the command "Make Selectable" so you can raise the wolf's relationship meter with the human Sim as well. When your Sim next interacts with the wolf, it will nibble him. Once nibbled, the Sim becomes a werewolf.

Unlock Coat Colors and Collars Early

As you play "The Sims 2: Pets" new coat colors and collars for the cat and dog pets become available. Achievements in the game such as pet job promotions trigger the items to unlock. This can take a long time if you want to collect all the items. To access the rewards sooner, enter codes into the "Game Options" screen found under the "Options" button on the game console. Click the key icon in the lower right to open the window where you type in the unlock codes. A complete list of coat and collar codes is available at the GameSpot website (see Resources).

Make Dogs and Cats Controllable

Although cats and dogs become part of the family when you adopt them, and you can view their needs, you have no direct control over their actions the way you do with the human Sims. The pets' free will drives them to act, and their needs must be fulfilled by commands you give the Sim owner, such as putting food in a bowl or offering a bone to chew. If you type in the cheat code "boolprop ControlPets on" you create fully controllable pets that will do what you tell them to do. The only drawback is you can't cancel their actions if you change your mind unless you activate the "boolprop PetActionCancel true" command as well.

Max Out Pets Needs

A large part of "The Sims 2: Pets" gameplay is satisfying a pet's needs. This can be time consuming. One way to avoid it is to max out the pets needs using a cheat code. Then the pet is always happy and you can focus on other things in the game. After activating the "boolprop testingcheatsenable true" command, hold down the "Shift" key and click the mailbox object. Choose the commands "House" and "Make All Happy" to raise all the needs meters for every Sim in the household, human and pet. The meters will degrade over time like normal after you do this, or you can use a second command at the mail box, "Make All Motives Static" to keep the need meters frozen once you have them at their highest setting.

Tags: Sims Pets, down Shift, down Shift click, hold down, hold down Shift