Sacramento Adoption Agencies
In the State of California there are a number of licensed adoption agencies that offer a comprehensive range of adoption services worldwide. Several of these are are based in Sacramento. These services include education, adoption planning, birth parent assessment, adopting parent home study, matching families, child placement, as well as legal assistance. Some work in liaison with other agencies to provide specialized assistance to suit individual circumstances and needs. The California Department of Social Services Adoption Services Bureau provides valuable adoption resources and services.
Children placed into the foster care system may be subsequently placed for adoption. The county usually requires that the waiting child remain a foster child with the adopting family for a minimum of six months. Many of these children have special needs such as health and emotional issues, while some are simply older children or in sibling groups that may be more difficult to place. All are in desperate need of a loving and stable home. One of the benefits of foster/adoption is that the cost of adopting is minimal.
Families for Children
This foster/adoption organization provides education, home study, matching and placement with an emphasis on ongoing supervision. Adoption workers refer children to the agency from various counties in California. There are no agency or home study fees.
Family Connections Christian Adoptions
FCCA is a foster/adoption agency that networks with county and private agencies throughout the state to find matches for their approved families. The agency can provide adoption services for almost any country that allows adoptions.
International Adoption
Adoption policies for each country vary. What you can always expect are eligibility requirements in the form of approval from a state or private adoption agency. There are also travel and immigration considerations.
Holt International works in many countries around the world to find permanent loving families for children born abroad. The agency has set up inter-country adoption programs in Bulgaria, China, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Korea, Nepal, Philippines, Uganda, Thailand and Vietnam.
Open and Independent Adoption
Adopting parents and birth parents are fully involved in the adoption process. It is the birth parents that select the child's family. The agency guides adopting parents through an adoption plan that includes creating a family profile presented to prospective birth parents. Both parties decide on how much continued contact they are comfortable with. If you are adopting a newborn, typically the adopting parents are present for the birth, and the child is released directly from the hospital to the adopting parents.
Sacramento Adoption Center
As an independent adoption agency, the organization vows its commitment to helping adopting parents implement plans unique to their needs and within pre-established budgets. Their in-house attorney can also provide expertise on legal aspects of any adoption plan.
Adoption Choices of Northern California
Sponsored by the Women's Health Specialist of California, the program aims to assist the adoption of newborns or toddlers. The agency boasts a successful program that offers a specialized service to a limited number of families, and claims that most families only have a six-to-eight-month waiting period to adopt.
Tags: adoption agency, birth parents, foster adoption, home study, Sacramento Adoption