Friday 26 June 2015

Building A Dog Rescue & Boarding Kennel

Building a kennel is both challenging and rewarding.

Although building a boarding kennel or rescue kennel facility might seem like a daunting proposition, with the right preparation and vision, it can be a fairly straightforward endeavor. The task will require the assistance of professionals, either yourself or outside assistance. When you have the right attitude, combined with the knowledge that you'll be helping out animals in need--- whether to be rescued or simply boarded while their owners are away---you'll find that you can create an environment that you can be proud of.


1. Contact your local neighborhood planning and zoning department to make sure that you can build a dog rescue and boarding kennel on your property. Draw up plans for the facility and submit to your planning and zoning board for approval. You'll need to have professional architectural plans to submit to the P & Z board.

2. Level out property as needed. When you're building this kind of facility, you will want to make sure that any rain buildup will flow away from the building, rather than pool up around it. This will help keep down the mosquito population in warmer weather.

3. Develop an easy-to-maintain dog run area. In most cases, concrete is the best way to go, providing you have a drainage system in place. The flooring needs to be totally non-porous, which will greatly assist you when doing daily disinfecting.

4. Set aside an area for dogs or cats that are stressed out. This area should be sound-proofed and kept as quiet as possible.

5. Set up either a modular dog run system, where the runs are pre-created, or else build your own runs, using chain-link gates and walls that are concrete-reinforced. Make sure that the walls are painted with a waterproofing paint, so that it can be hosed out on a daily basis without fear of damaging the building itself.

6. Install a ventilation system. Ideally, in order to cut down on cross-contamination in the event that you've got a sick dog, you should have a ventilation system that draws air in from outside the kennel and which sends the air from within the kennel to the exterior. Make sure that the ventilation system has appropriate HEPA filters, which will also help cut down on any airborne contaminants.

7. Install a fire alarm system that is set up to notify both the staff and local firefighters. Make sure you have all emergency exits clearly marked and identified, and that the staff goes through basic procedures in the event of an emergency situation.

Tags: sure that, ventilation system, boarding kennel, make sure, Make sure, planning zoning, system that