Friday, 26 September 2014

Buy A Dove

Doves are beautiful, gentle birds that adapt well to captivity. They enjoy being stroked and held, and can even be trained to sit on your finger. The soft cooing noise doves make has a calming effect, and they do not bite. If you buy a dove for a pet or for breeding purposes, it is a serious decision since these birds can live up to 20 to 25 years.


1. Decide what type of dove you wish to buy. The three most common types are ringneck, white and diamond, but there are dozens of exotic species available, such as the vibrant golden-heart dove and the unusual Australian crested.

2. Find a breeder that specializes in the type of dove you're looking to buy or contact a local pet store to check for availability. There are many resources on the Internet to find quality breeders and many websites with photos and additional information about the doves they have for sale. Another option is to check the classifieds section of your local newspaper or your local humane shelter to see if they have any doves up for adoption.

3. Check to see if the dove is healthy. Look for clear, bright eyes and clean, smooth feathers. Avoid a dove that looks lethargic or has fluffed feathers, or any discharge from its mouth or eyes. If the breeder/owner lives far away, ask to see pictures of the dove and its housing.

4. Arrange for transport of the dove to your home. If you are able to pick it up in person, the pet store or breeder should provide you with a suitable box. Make sure there are air holes and that the dove has enough room to stand comfortably.

5. Consider shipping if you are too far away to pick it up. The United States Postal Service considers doves poultry and may be shipped via overnight Express Mail quite economically. Most breeders will ship them at an additional cost.

6. Negotiate a price for the dove. Most common species of doves can be purchased for about $20 to $30, but more exotic or hard-to-find species will obviously be more pricey. Expect to pay an additional $22 to ship the dove USPS.

7. Settle your dove in its new home. Expect the bird to take a day or more to become accustomed to its new environment before attempting to handle it.

Tags: they have, type dove, your local