Please take me home
Every animal lover dreams of starting a shelter. But making that dream come true requires much more than a love of pets. You also need business savvy and accounting and marketing skills. Being an ideal networker and fund raiser will help, too.
1. Assess your community's needs. It's possible you can do more good by helping an existing shelter.
2. Volunteer. Volunteering will give you an insider's view of all that's involved in operating an animal shelter.
3. Write a mission statement. Determine if your shelter will take in all kinds of animals or just dogs or cats, if you will rescue animals from the street or take them from public shelters and if you will you accept owner give-ups. You also need to determine under what circumstances will you euthanize or if you will have a no-kill facility. You'll increase your chances of success if you define your mission and put it in writing.
4. Recruit committed board members who believe in your mission and have good connections in your community. They will be your most important fundraisers.
5. Visit other shelters. Take notes and pictures to inspire you when planning your own facility. Ask questions, too, about what works and what the shelter staff would do differently.
6. File for registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit status. The forms you need are on the Internal Revenue Service's website. As a registered nonprofit, you'll be eligible for grants, and your donors can claim a tax deduction for their gifts to you.
7. Find sources of funding. Ask local businesses to partner with you and research foundations that make grants to organizations with missions similar to yours.
8. Check local regulations. Find out whether you'll need a special permit to house several animals. Also research your community's zoning regulations.
9. Design your facility. A homelike setting where the animals are not in cages will be more comfortable for the pets and more appealing to potential adopters than a commercial space.
10. Develop a volunteer handbook and recruit volunteers who believe in your mission. You'll need people to help care for the animals in your shelter, assist at adoption shows and fund-raising events and write grant applications. You'll also need a photographer to take pictures of your adoptable pets and post them online.
Tags: also need, your community, your mission, believe your, believe your mission, registered nonprofit, your facility