Monday, 22 September 2014

Get A Lutari On Neopets

Get a Lutari on Neopets

Getting a Lutari in the Neopets online game is a bit more difficult than aquiring other pets. The Lutari has the appearance of a seal mixed with a squirrel and loves to play in the water. This pet is a limited edition; you cannot choose it from the pound or adopt it when you set up your account. There are, however, three ways you can get a Lutari.


Create A Lutari

1. Wait until April 19, which is Lutari Day in Neopia (the name of the world of Neopets).

2. Log in to your Neopets account so you can create a Lutari. There will be messages or banners to confirm that it is Lutari Day.

3. Go to your "create a pet" option and choose a Lutari from the species available.

Change a Current Pet into a Lutari

4. Use the "Shop Wizard" to search for "Lab Ray." Visit the shop that shows up on the results page and purchase the Lab Ray.

5. Be aware that the price for a Lab Ray is very high, and depends on the shop, as the Lab Ray is an extremely rare item.

6. Use your Lab Ray on one of your existing pets repeatedly until it changes into a Lutari. This is not guaranteed to work, but it's the only option for non-mobile users outside of Lutari Day.

Get a Lutari on Neopets Mobile

7. Create a new account or log in to an existing Neopets Mobile account on your cell phone.

8. Choose the option to "create a pet."

9. Create your pet as usual, but choose a Lutari as the species.

Tags: Lutari Neopets, choose Lutari, into Lutari, Neopets Mobile