Wednesday 1 July 2015

Apple Head Vs Deer Head Chihuahua

One of the distinguishing features of the breed of dog known as the Chihuahua is the shape of the head. A chihuahua's head is generally described as being either an apple head or a deer head.

Apple Head Characteristics

Apple head is a term used to describe a Chihuahua whose head is round and dome-shaped, like an apple. The head is broader at the top than at the jawline.

Deer Head Characteristics

Deer head Chihuahuas have narrower skulls and longer noses than apple heads. As the name implies, the head has the shape of a deer's head.

Show Eligibility

Only apple head Chihuahuas are considered fit for entry in dog shows. The deer head is actually considered a defect among professional breeders of show dogs.

Recent Trends

The popularity of deer head Chihuahuas is on the rise, partly due to the fact that deer head Chihuahuas have recently been featured in the media. The famous Taco Bell Chihuahua is an example of a deer head.

The Soft Spot

Chihuahuas may be born with a gap between the bones of the skull---a soft spot---similar to that found in newborn humans. However, this is not an indication of whether a Chihuahua is a deer head or an apple head.

Tags: head Chihuahuas, deer head, deer head, apple head, Apple Head, apple head, Chihuahuas have