Wednesday 22 July 2015

Train A Dog To Heel

If you wish to have your dog stay close by your side, either while walking or sitting in your yard, you'll have to train him to heel. The heel command keeps your dog obediently at your heel at all times. With patience and persistence, most anyone can train their dog to heel. Read on to learn train a dog to heel.


1. Sit your dog at your left side. It might be helpful to first train your dog to respond to the "Sit" command.

2. Hold the leash loosely through your left hand with the looped end in your right. Do not hold it tightly or pull up on the leash.

3. Step forward, moving your left leg first. Hold a treat out in front of the dog to get him to walk with you. Use the command "Heel" as you walk. Repeat it as necessary, tugging the leash as you do to keep the dog moving.

4. Reward the dog each time he obeys the "Heel" command with a treat or plenty of praise. Repeated positive reinforcement will train the dog to respond to this command.

5. Stop and have the dog sit once more at your side with the "Sit" command. Then start again. Repeat this process several times.

6. Practice the "Heel" command approximately 10 to 15 minutes per session, two to three sessions per day.

Tags: your left, Heel command, train heel, with command, your side