Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Adopt A Highway In California

Today there are about 35,000 people throughout California who have adopted a total of more than 15,000 miles of highway throughout the state. By joining California's Adopt-A-Highway program and volunteering their time to maintain the highways, these people are able to collect 250,000 bags of trash from along roadsides each year and save California's government $14.5 million in tax money. It's not hard to get a permit and hit the streets! So gather a group of people and make a commitment to help keep California's highways clean and beautiful.


1. Think about what kind of care you want to give your adopted highway. The California Adopt-A-Highway program allows volunteers to keep a 2-mile stretch of highway litter-free, control weeds throughout a 5-acre area, plant seedlings, bushes or wildflowers across a 3-acre stretch or remove graffiti along the sides of your adopted portion of highway.

2. Contact your local Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator to discuss what kind of actions you wish to take and to find out which segments of highway are available for adoption.

3. Fill out the Adopt-A-Highway Permit Application and submit it for approval, which may take a few weeks. The form is available on the program's Web site.

4. Submit an extra form outlining your plans if you want to plant vegetation or remove weeds. Plans must be approved before you can begin.

5. Have the text and design for your Adopt-A-Highway sign approved. This is your chance to be recognized for your hard work, so plan the sign carefully.

6. Designate a group safety leader and have that person schedule the required safety orientation with the field representative identified on your permit. The designated leader will be given safety equipment and educational materials for the group and will be taught train the others.

7. Notify the California Department of Transportation five days before each work session.

Tags: Adopt-A-Highway program, California Adopt-A-Highway, California Adopt-A-Highway program, what kind, your adopted