Monday, 10 August 2015

What Is The Meaning Of Black Bull

A symbol of Spain

The image of a black bull, originally used as part of an advertising campaign, became an unofficial symbol of Spain. Symbolizing strength and pride, it became an icon for most Spaniards. The black bull is displayed on stickers and key rings and, at sporting events, the image is superimposed over the Spanish flag.


The black bull emerged as a commercial trademark of Osborne, producers of sherry and other spirits. The silhouetted image of a black bull was created in 1956 by Manolo Prieto. It was displayed on Spanish roadways and became a popular cultural symbol of Spain, according to Pictures of Spain.


In the early 1990s, Spain outlawed billboards on national roads. The Spaniards were outraged when this included the images of the bulls and through protest were able to convince the government to allow the black bulls to remain without the Osborne advertising slogan.


Catalan nationalists started a movement against the only black bull image existing in Catalonia because it is strongly associated with Spain. It was continually vandalized and ultimately not replaced, according to Spain4uk.

Tags: black bull, symbol Spain, black bull, image black, image black bull