Thursday, 20 August 2015

Write A Contract Agreement

Write a Contract Agreement

When it comes to money you can never be too careful. For the sake of time and argument, it is always best to write all terms of an agreement on paper. If this is the first time that you will need to write an agreement, there are some things you must remember to do for it to be considered a legally binding document. A property rental contract agreement provides an example of the steps the parties should take to make a contract binding.


1. Name the parties. Write your information first, then leave space for the tenants' information. Include name, address and phone number for both parties. Write down property information. State the landlord will rent this property to tenant at location specified. Write the property address that the tenant will be renting from you.

2. Specify the length of the agreement. Write how long this agreement will last. For example, the contract can state that it is a 12-month agreement starting on (day), (month), (year) until (day), (month), (year). Same terms and conditions will apply as in the initial lease continuing forth on a month-to-month basis unless otherwise terminated.

3. Write financial terms. State that the rent payment will be (dollar amount) each month, due by the, (date) of each month. This will be in advance until the lease time period specified is up. Include security deposit requirements. Tenant agrees to start this lease by giving the landlord a deposit of (write the amount out). This is by receipt of the landlord to cover any damages that are caused to the property for the time period of this lease. The deposit will be returned to the tenant less the amount for any damages at the end of this agreement.

4. List the items inside the property, which you wish to include with the rental agreement. This may be items such as appliances and furniture. Tenant must list occupants that will be living in the renal property. Anyone who is not listed is allowed a short, temporary visit. Children born or adopted during lease period are an exception. If over occupancy occurs, according to state sanitary laws, the landlord has the right to terminate lease.

5. Give an address and phone number in case of emergency where rent and notices are to be received. Notices are usually in writing and sent to the rental property by the landlord. Renters must also be able to contact the landlord. Include information about utilities. Landlords must provide utilities with the exception of heat and water. Write out these utilities and who is responsible so there is no confusion. Write out personal agreement terms for tenant. For example, state that there are no pets allowed on property at any time. Also write your responsibilities as a landlord with maintenance and termination. Both tenant and landlord will sign and date the agreement. Each will need a copy.

Tags: address phone, address phone number, each month, landlord will, month year, parties Write