Change a Standard Operating Procedure
Changes to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) follow a specific method that a company's Quality and Regulatory Affairs department establishes. Start documenting requested changes to an SOP as soon as relevant personnel consider the revision. Keep a list of conversations regarding these changes by date and participants. Then, include this record as part of your initial request to change an SOP.
1. Identify in writing the need for a change to the SOP. Forward this document to the supervisor of the department that the change affects and to the document control department.
2. Complete a change request form. Decide whether the change requested is administrative or clerical. Administrative changes seek to revise a process the company follows. Clerical changes seek to revise the existing SOP's spelling, grammar, format and clarity.
3. Request a change authorization number from the document control department. Write this number on the front page of the change request form.
4. Prepare an explanation of the requested change. If possible, copy the existing SOP and make red line revisions showing the requested changes. Sign and date the change request form. Submit it to the document control department.
5. Forward a copy of the change request form to the human resources department. Explain whether the department must train employees because of the requested change and which employees the change affects. Require human resources to document the training by date, employees, trainer and subject matter.
6. Submit the training completion data to the document control department. Request that they add it to the original change request form.
7. Distribute the approved change request form to all employees of the company. Identify the form by its control authorization number. Tell employees access the form.
Tags: change request, change request form, request form, control department, document control, document control department