Friday, 21 August 2015

Potty Train A Small Dog

Potty Train a Small Dog

Potty training a small dog takes patience and consistency, but if you have a system in place and stick to it, your puppy will be doing its business outdoors in no time. Follow these instructions to potty train your small dog in just a few easy steps.


1. Purchase a crate that is big enough to allow your small dog to turn around and has enough room for two areas---one for a water bowl and the other for toys and a sleeping pad.

2. Line the crate with newspapers in case of accidents. Your puppy will instinctively avoid going "potty" in his sleeping or eating area, so be sure to give him plenty of opportunities to do his business outside. Keep him on a strict schedule, and take him out 20 minutes after eating to encourage him to go. If he does pee or poop, praise him lavishly, saying, "Good pee!" or "Good poop!" so that he knows exactly what he did that pleased you.

3. Each time your small dog or puppy does his business outside, praise him, and play with him for up to an hour before returning him to his crate to rest. Take him out of the crate every two hours to make sure he gets into the habit of not soiling his space. If you notice him sniffing and circling, open the crate immediately, and take him outside. It is a sign that he is looking for a place to "go."

4. Gradually increase the amount of time your puppy spends in the crate and the amount of space he is allowed to use in his free time around the house. Be sure to take him out of his crate and to the yard first thing every morning. Carry him there so that he does not have an accident on his way to the door. As his bladder control increases and he becomes more sure of what is expected of him, you can let him walk to the door on a leash or alone.

5. Walk your small dog or puppy to the same area of the yard every time you take him out, and he will search out the spot on his own when he needs to urinate or defecate.

Tags: your small, business outside, Potty Train, Potty Train Small, puppy will, small puppy, time your