German Shepherds are one of the most versatile and intelligent breeds. With this intelligence comes a strong need for good training. In the Los Angeles area, various types of training for this breed are available and recommended to raise a good German Shepherd dog.
Get the Right Puppy or Dog
Every breed has good and bad examples of the breed. With German Shepherds, finding the right dog to train is as important as finding the right trainer. If you are new to the breed, ask someone who has experience with German Shepherds to pick your dog, whether it is from a rescue organization or breeder.
Obedience Training
From the start, it is important to train your puppy to be obedient. Enrolling your dog into obedience training is the best way to spend quality time with your dog while teaching the dog "good manners". Having a well-behaved dog is crucially important with a dog of the German Shepherd's size. Facilities like Adler Stein Kennels take dogs from Los Angeles to train in various aspects of obedience.
Protection Training
Naturally a protective breed, many families opt to train their German Shepherd in protection. Training facilities like K9 Behavior will take in your dog to train in protection. Research trainers carefully and ask for references prior to entrusting trainers with your dog.
Basic Group Training
Pet stores like PetCo, PetSmart, and even your local humane society offer group training for dogs. Starting off in a casual group setting prior to committing to a trainer can help you understand your German Shepherd while building a bond with your dog. Classes such as these are readily available all around Los Angeles.
Join a Training Club
Be it for agility, obedience, Schutzhund, or tracking--consider joining a training club. See Resource 1 for a full list of clubs available to Los Angeles residents.
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