Friday, 2 October 2015

Gain Trust From A Previously Abused Pet

Gaining trust from an abused animal requires compassion and patience. Over time, most pets can learn to trust again. Follow these steps.


1. Provide a safe place for your pet to stay. If it lives inside, have a special bed or place for him to go if he gets scared. If outside, provide some type of shelter for him to go by himself.

2. Leave out fresh water and food at all times. Pets that are hungry may be tempted to snap or scratch. Some pets are even abused by their owners withholding food from them. Make sure your pet has eaten before trying to interact with him in the beginning.

3. Allow your pet to interact with everyone in your family. Keeping them in isolation may hold them back from opening up and becoming friendly with others.

4. Give your abused pet treats when they come up to you. If you approach them, slowly hold out a treat so that they can smell it. Let them gently take it from your hand, and then try to pet them.

5. Use one hand when reaching for your abused pet. Many times they will be scared if you approach them with two hands. They may think you are going to grab them or hurt them.

6. Don't allow the abused pet to interact with other pets if the other pets are pushy or mean. This will cause the abused pet to be even more submissive and scared.

7. Never hit or scold an abused pet. Reward good behavior but do not punish him. If he is doing something like chewing on furniture, give him something that is acceptable to chew. Redirect him to something he can do safely.

Tags: interact with, approach them, other pets, your abused