Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Make Prayer As Easy As Breathing

Make Prayer as Easy as Breathing

Sometimes we make prayer out to be more than it has to be. Ancient Christians devised a way of praying that was so natural it was called breathing prayer. Read this article for easy step by step guidance to start your own practice of breathing prayer.


1. First recognize the three phases of every breath. 1. You Breathe in. 2. You hold, even if for a split second. 3. You release. These three movements of breathing will become your three phases of prayer.

2. Now attach each of the next three concepts to each phase of breathing. 1. God is present (Breathe in) 2. Enjoy God's presence (Hold Breath) 3. Release Anxiety to God (Breathe Out).

Slow down each phase and savor it.

Practice this first layer of breathing for a few minutes. Quietly allow these thoughts and concepts to guide you. When distractions come (noises, voices, etc.) just welcome them into your praying some how.

3. Now add a simple verse to it. Some call this an arrow prayer, or a centering prayer. Begin with this most famous breathing prayer:

Be still / and know / that I am God

Each phrase is attached to a phase of breathing like this:

Be still (God is present, breathe in) / and know (Enjoy God's presence, hold breath) / that I am God (release anxieties to God and breathe out)

Tags: breathing prayer, each phase, Easy Breathing, Enjoy presence, Make Prayer, Make Prayer Easy