Thursday, 8 October 2015

Rescue Animals Under Your Home

Animals often find entrance points under your porch.

Animals trapped under your home pose a safety risk and a potential health hazard. Creatures like opossums or raccoons may carry diseases and attack you or your family, especially when the animals feel threatened. The problem worsens if you have a female animal that has babies under the house. Even stray cats may attack when provoked. As soon as you notice an animal living under the house or hear noises indicating an animal, you must take steps to remove it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Walk around the perimeter of your house with a flashlight. Shine the flashlight around the foundation, looking for any holes that indicate an entrance point for the animal. Look at your porch as well, as the animal may use a small hole as a method of entering and exiting under your house.

2. Get as close to the entrance hole as possible and call to the animal. Gently shake the package of cat or dog treats and speak in a calm and warm voice. Even if the animal is a neighbor's pet, it may take several minutes until the animal feels safe enough that it comes towards the hole.

3. Empty the canned tuna onto a small plate and set the plate just outside of the entrance hole. The tuna has a strong scent that wafts through the air and under your home. The scent alone might entice the animal and force it out of its hiding spot.

4. Place a small amount of canned tuna inside the live trap and place the trap near the entrance hole. The scent of the food attracts the animal, but once it walks inside the trap, the trap closes shut behind it. The animal cannot get out of the trap until you release it.

5. Take the trap to a humane society or animal rescue group, depending on the type of animal inside. For wild animals like raccoons, you must contact animal control. Animal control will remove the wild animal and release or dispose of it properly. For domesticated animals, a humane society or shelter can find it a good home or find its original owner.

Tags: entrance hole, under your, canned tuna, humane society, under house