Monday, 14 September 2015

Level Up On "Moshi Monsters"

Play with your adopted Katsuma. Diavlo or other Moshi Monster online to level it up.

"Moshi Monsters" is a free online cyber pet game. Your monster pet on "Moshi Monsters" gains experience when you interact with it and play mini-games on the website. When your monster gains a level, you gain access to new food, furniture and clothing from the shops on Main Street and unlock additional games in the Puzzle Palace. Most activities give your monster a very small amount of experience, but you can level up your pet by playing "Moshi Monsters" every day.


1. Go to the Gross-ery Store on Main Street and buy food for your monster. Feed your monster to increase its happiness and health -- a monster with low stats won't level up.

2. Enter the Puzzle Palace from the main map or from the "Puzzles" button in your home. Play the Daily Challenge every day to gain a large amount of experience.

3. Play each puzzle in the Hall of Puzzles once per day to get a small amount of experience for each game.

4. Play games like Moshling Boshing and Flutterby Field on Main Street to get small amounts of experience.

5. Buy items from the Yukea shop on Main Street and decorate your monster home to gain small amounts of experience.

Tags: Main Street, Moshi Monsters, amount experience, your monster, amounts experience