The Craigslist website allows users around the world to post classified ads and advertise items and services around their local communities. Most advertisements on Craigslist are free to post, with the exception of certain big-ticket items such as houses, and you may be required to verify your identity in order to prevent spam. Create a Craigslist account and log in to get started.
1. Navigate your Web browser to The browser automatically displays the Craigslist homepage for your city or region.
2. Click the "My Account" link in the upper left corner of the page.
3. Type the email address or nickname associated with your Craigslist account in the "Email/Handle" field and type your password in the "Password" field. Click the "Log In" button to log in. If you have not created a Craigslist account yet, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Sign up for an account" link.
4. Type your email address in the "Email Address" field.
5. Click the "Verification Word" field and type the letters displayed in the image above.
6. Click the "Create Account" button. This sends an automatic verification message to the email address you provided.
7. Check your email account for a message from Craigslist with the title "New Craigslist Account." Open the message and click the link contained within to verify your email address. This brings you back to Craigslist.
8. Type and re-type your desired Craigslist account password, then click the "Submit Password and Log In" button.
Tags: Craigslist account, email address, your email, field Click, field type, verify your, your email address