Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Stop Adult Dogs From Biting

Dogs sometimes play a little too rough.

When you decide to adopt a dog, you need to understand the great responsibility being undertaken. It is possible that your doggy adoption will have no issues and neither will your new furry friend. However, you could run into roadblocks in pet ownership along the way. For example, sometimes adult dogs develop the habit of biting. If you can't handle this problem yourself or if a chance exists that someone could get hurt seriously, isolate the dog and get help from a veterinarian, animal behaviorist or dog trainer. For less-severe issues, like play biting or nipping, you can take action to stop this behavior in your adult dog.


1. Pay attention to your dog's behavior when it bites. Dogs that seem relaxed, at ease and playful are likely to have a biting issue you can handle. However, if you see signs of aggression, such as a stiff body, displayed teeth or wrinkled muzzle, get help from a qualified professional.

2. Show your dog that biting hurts. When you play with your dog, wait until it bites and cry out in pain. One high-pitched yelp should do it.

3. Practice time-outs. After your dog bites you, yelp and also stop playing. Your dog will learn that a hard bite means you were hurt and playing stopped. Wait about 20 seconds before you go back to the game.

4. Leave the room if the time-outs aren't working. Once your dog bites hard, yelp and get up and leave your dog alone. Wait a few minutes and return for more gentle playing.

5. Start the process over again of yelping, time-outs and leaving the room in response to moderately hard bites once your dog is no longer biting hard. Continue until the bites are very gentle.

6. Substitute other objects for hands when playing to teach your dog not to bite or nip at all. These can be chew toys, bones, treats or ropes for a tug-of-war game. Fetch is also a good substitution.

7. Put a taste deterrent on items your dog likes to bite, such as toes. Dogs dislike the taste of bitter apple; this works well.

8. Keep your dog active and interested. Give new toys and treats often, and play with your dog each day. Plenty of entertainment and exercise can help stop your adult dog from biting.

Tags: help from, play with, play with your, until bites, with your