Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Celebrate National Pecan Day

Pecan trees are the only nut tree that's native to North America, which is a good reason to celebrate National Pecan Day on April 14 of each year. Pecans can be used in many interesting and surprising ways, and you'll be able to find some to suit your personal tastes. Besides their delightful taste, pecans are also beneficial to your health, with research showing that they have antioxidants to help reduce the threat of cancer. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Learn the history of pecans in the United States. Visit the "I Love Pecans" website to start your education on pecans (see Resources below).

2. Plant a pecan tree. Pecan trees are wonderful large shade trees for medium to large yards. The nuts will attract a variety of birds as well as squirrels.

3. Cook your favorite pecan recipes. Pecan pie is a common favorite, but more exotic recipes are out there to be tried, including Mexican Pecan Soup.

4. Throw a Pecan Day party. Pecans make terrific party snacks and can be found in many different styles. A favorite is praline flavored pecans.

5. Serve pecan brownies with a side of praline-pecan ice cream. This is also a good bet if you are throwing a birthday party on National Pecan Day.

Tags: National Pecan, Pecan trees