Sunday 7 December 2014

What Does The Bible Say About Evolution

The Bible predates any conversation about evolution. However, as an apology for creationism, what the Bible says about the origins of the world and the various species is an important part of the debate about evolution. Since no one who is alive now was around to observe the origins of the universe, neither evolution nor Biblical creationism can be scientifically proven. Both are theories and both rely on the "faith" of their adherents.


The first two chapters of the Bible deal with the origins of the earth, the solar system and stars, plants, animals and people. Before anything tangible existed on earth, the Bible says that everything was "formless" and "void." It positions God there, "brooding" over the "chaos." Then, God spoke and whatever he called forth became visible. Next, God reflected on what he had made and consistently ruled that it was "good." God's words are the Biblical tools of creation except for the first humans. The man was hand-formed out of the dirt. Then God breathed his own breath into him. Later, God made the first woman using a rib that he removed from the sleeping Adam. See Genesis 1, 2.


The Bible gives no space for one species to evolve into another species. Instead of leaving a trail of missing links, the Bible indicates that each plant, animal, bird, or fish would reproduce "after its own kind." See Genesis 1:1-25. Paul echoes this idea when he explained that there are different kinds of flesh for people, animals, birds and fish. See 1 Corinthians 15:39. Further, the Bible does not endorse the millions of years that evolutionists think it took for the world to attain its current state. The Bible sets the timeline of creation within a seven day week. Different theological positions about whether this seven day week should be literally interpreted or not.


When the unique attributes of the God of Israel were declared among the nations, his role as the creator of the universe was often the first one mentioned according to the Biblical record. For example, Paul introduced him to the Athenians as the "God who made the world and everything in it." See Acts 17:24.


Paul also wrote that the power and divinity of God have been entirely visible to everyone in the world through the creation itself. However, he continued, if anyone does not thank or glorify this creator, they incur his wrath by worshiping and serving "created things rather than the Creator." This leads to even further deviancy, according to Romans 1:18-32. The solution, according to Paul, is to adopt a repentant faith that returns to God.


The unnamed writer of the book of Hebrews further instructs about the connection between effective faith in God and the belief that he is the creator of everything that exists. Hebrews repeats that the creation was achieved at God's command and that the visible creatures and created things did not derive or result from anything that is invisible. The faith that accepts God as the creator is fundamental to believing that the invisible God can be approached, trusted and relied on. See Hebrews 11:3.

Tags: Bible says, created things, faith that, seven week, that invisible