Thursday 18 December 2014

Bathe A Pot Belly Piglet

Non-miniature potbellied pigs can grow to be 100 to 250 lbs.

Potbellied piglets need a lot of special care. Potbellied pigs love companionship and attention, and also require close supervision when they are young. They require a special diet and regular care for their hooves and ears. However, they do not require a great deal of bathing. Pigs are naturally clean animals who practically housebreak themselves, similar to the way a puppy or kitten does. Give your potbellied piglet a bath only when he is dirty; over-bathing can aggravate a potbellied pig's dry skin.


1. Fill a bathtub with about 2 inches of lukewarm water.

2. Smear a dab of petroleum jelly around your pig's eyes. If the shampoo travels to that area, it should alleviate any stinging.

3. Place the potbellied piglet in the water and let it sit there for several minutes to become accustomed to the water. If it appears nervous, offer it some food.

4. Apply a pea-sized amount of a mild shampoo to the piglet's coat and lather it up. Add slightly more shampoo, as needed, to adequately cover the pig's body. Massage the shampoo all over the piglet's body and legs, but avoid its head to protect the pig's eyes. Rinse the pig thoroughly.

5. Place the pig on a soft, clean towel and dry it off.

6. Brush your potbellied pig's coat with a soft-bristled brush.

7. Massage a hypoallergenic lotion all over your piglet's skin. Pigs have very dry skin because they lack sweat glands, and lotion helps manage skin flaking. Apply a lotion containing a sunblock to your pig before letting it outside. Alternatively, use baby oil, but only if your pig is primarily an indoor pig.

Tags: potbellied piglet, your potbellied