Friday 26 December 2014

Animal Laws For Felines In California

Most California Laws are enacted to protect feline overpopulation.

When it comes to felines, ordinances and laws vary by state. Laws are in place to protect cats in California since the feral population is extremely high and continually growing.

Feral Cats

The City of Los Angeles has a program in place called the Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) ordinance for the feral cat population. This is a way to decrease the ever-growing problem of feral cats. The TNR program also complies with the California Environmental Quality Act to ensure humane treatment of feral cats.


California law requires cats be licensed over the age of four months as a rabies control method. Cats should have their rabies tag and license attached to their collar to ensure finding your cat should it get lost.

Spay and Neuter

There are nearly 50,000 unwanted cats born in Los Angeles alone every year. This led to an ordinance requiring cats to be spayed or neutered by the age of four months. The California Pet Sterilization law is clear cut with enforceable penalties (fees) as a tool to eliminate unwanted kittens and possible euthanasia.

Tags: feral cats, feral population, four months