Tuesday 23 December 2014

Subdivision Community Activities Ideas

Community activities bring together neighbors.

Plenty of activities can bring a community together, allow neighbors to meet and get to know one other and help to improve the area. Spread the word about upcoming community events in a community newsletter, by posting flyers on mailboxes and in local shops and by word of mouth.

Potluck Picnic

Book the local park or have a resident with a large yard host a pot-luck picnic. Encourage community residents to bring ethnic foods to give the potluck a theme. The ethnic component can help spark conversation and everyone will get to try a variety of cuisine from around the world.

Swap Meet

Host a swap meet. Many communities have halls that are available for activities. A swap meet works well in family communities where children are continuously outgrowing sporting equipment and clothing. A swap meet encourages neighbors with similar interests to meet and get to know one another while saving money by trading items rather than purchasing them.

Sports Days

Winter or summer, sports days are a good way to encourage physical activity in the community. Winter activities might include sledding with hot chocolate afterward, shinny hockey, cross-country skiing or family skating. Good summer activities include basketball, softball or picnic games such as three-legged and potato-sack racing. Have community members sign up to bring coffee, watermelon or other snacks and refreshments.

Community Cleanup Days

Post or pre-winter cleanup days are a good way to keep the community clean and remove litter that may have accumulated over the season. Cleanup days might involve repair of playgrounds, trash removal, trimming of shrubs and tree pruning. Community cleanup days help encourage residents to take pride in the neighborhood and to keep it tidy year-round. Local businesses may want to sponsor the event by donating supplies.

Community Garden

A community garden is a good way to promote healthy eating within the neighborhood. Garden care, including planting, weeding, watering and harvesting can be divided among participants and the proceeds of the garden split equally among members or donated to a food bank.


Unlimited types of clubs can be organized within a community. Some club ideas include book, knitting, walking or running, children's play groups, singles and sport-specific groups. These activities bring together people with common interests who live in close proximity to one another.

Tags: activities bring, activities bring together, bring together, cleanup days, days good, meet know, swap meet