Creating a business continuity and disaster preparedness program for a company could help you keep business running during any disruptive event, as well as keep employees safer. Preparation and planning take time and money, but you may find some funding help for preparation initiatives from state and local governments or private organizations.
Disaster Preparedness
Disaster preparedness includes creating a disaster response plan, conducting mitigation projects, building an emergency kit and training employees in emergency response. Response plans address each potential hazard, whether natural or manmade, such as tornadoes or chemical spills. Mitigation projects help prepare the business structure to better withstand damage or interruption from a hazard. Disaster preparedness includes items such as flood proofing buildings and safe room construction.
Business Continuity
Business continuity includes creating a plan and employee training program that allows the company to continue its critical functions during any disruptive event. Rather than attempting to keep every aspect of the company running as usual, the focus of a business continuity program is only on those items legally or fiscally required. Rather than focus only on large-scale events such as natural disasters, a business continuity program also covers everyday disruptions, such as power outages.
Grants Availability
The federal government does not usually provide grant funds to businesses. It makes low-interest loans available to businesses through the Small Business Administration. Colleges and universities receive federal funding for community disaster preparedness to help surrounding communities with free shelters and emergency supplies. For instance, in 2010 the Federal Emergency Management Agency provided the University of Massachusetts a $175,000 grant for shelter supplies. Higher education institutions also receive grants from the U.S. Department of Education to create emergency management plans that include mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
States, though may provide grant funding to businesses for mitigation projects, such as safe room construction. Some private organizations provide grants to businesses within their industry. For instance, the Petfinder Foundation provides its membership (which includes pet shelters, placement groups and veterinarians) with grants for disaster recovery and response.
Finding Grants
Contact your state office for economic development to inquire about disaster preparedness and/or business continuity grants for businesses. Also, contact your city planning office and local council of government. The federal government sometimes provides grants to local governments to fund small grant projects for individuals or businesses. Search for private grants using an organization such as The Foundation Center. Also, visit the Small Business Administration's website to apply for a low-interest loan from the federal government.
Tags: disaster preparedness, federal government, Business Administration, business continuity, business continuity program, continuity program, Disaster preparedness includes