Friday, 4 December 2015

Help Your Teen Study And Get Prepared For Their Learners Permit

Help ease your teen's anxiety about driving through preparation.

Getting a learner's permit is an exciting time for teenagers, though often a frightening and nerve wracking time for parents. It is important to help your teen prepare for his permit in order to take on the open road as a thoughtful and confident driver. State laws vary regarding age and specific requirements for obtaining a learner's permit, but across the board there are steps you can take to help your teen prepare for the experience.


1. Give your teen a learner's permit study guide from your local Department of Motor Vehicles or Driver's License Office. Ask her to read it over before you begin studying together.

2. Instruct your teen to make flash cards with the information from the book. Once completed, quiz him on the flash cards for 10 to 20 minutes per day for at least one to two weeks.

3. Ask him questions about the rules and regulations of the road so that you can be sure that he understands the information. You do not want your teen to simply memorize things without understanding them, as this could lead to future problems while driving.

4. Talk to your teen about defensive driving to make sure that he understands the concept. Defensive driving entails watching what other drivers are doing as well as paying attention to following the rules yourself.

5. Sign your teen up for a learner's permit preparatory class online or at an on-campus facility in your area. This will particularly help if she is having problems mastering the subject matter.

Tags: your teen, learner permit, flash cards, help your, help your teen, sure that, sure that understands